We are currently seeking nominations for the Historic Pittsford Preservation Achievement Awards. Nominations are due May 15, 2024. The awards recognize individuals, groups, or organizations that have made outstanding efforts that support Historic Pittsford’s mission and made a significant contribution to historic preservation. Historic Pittsford provides leadership, advocacy and education to preserve Pittsford’s diverse historic resources.
We encourage and welcome nominations from (and for) Historic Pittsford members and non-members alike! Nominees may include individuals, groups, organizations, businesses, students, scouts, governmental bodies, etc. and may be nominated by anyone.
Nominations may be submitted for a Preservation Achievement Award in any one of the following categories: Stewardship Award; Advocacy Award; Education Award; Public Policy Award. A full description and a nomination form are available on Historic Pittsford’s website: www.historicpittsford.com/preservation-achievement-awards
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