Blog Article Submission Guidelines
Interested in submitting an article for public viewing? Please read the overview below and use our online form:
What Are We Looking For?
The purpose of the articles directory will be to disseminate information of value and of use to your fellow preservation professionals and enthusiasts. The intent of this collection is to provide information relevant to a broad audience and to be of a research-based nature if possible.
Please examine the following type of content we are searching for from those wishing to submit article content.
- An article for our “Heritage Travel & Tourism” category:
- Plan a trip to a historic city/town/place and share detailed account (with photos if possible).
- Provide information on route – what is along the way? Roadside attractions viewed, etc. Places you visited, museums / tours / historic sites / architectural styles viewed and neighborhoods visited – essentially all cultural places and resources along the way.
- Also provide information on accommodations – historic lodging, food, etc.
- Also, consider providing "FAQ-type" information.
- Our most commonly asked questions are:
- funding/tax incentives that are available
- nomination process for listing a home on the local/State/National Register
- information requests for local historic landmarks and homes
- We are also looking for press release postings and news-related information of use by the preservation community. For example, exhibition openings, grant information, job openings or internship opportunities, major developments at preservation organizations, workshop/event/tour and other educational opportunities.
Submission Process:
We will maintain editorial control, as to what is placed on the site for public viewing. The intent of this collection is to provide information and research-based (if possible) content. Upon submitting your article, we will review the content and determine if it is appropriate for our users.
The intent is to keep the information shared as professional and usable to our users. The intent is not to use this as a forum for purely advertisement-driven pieces (although we are happy to share your name, contact information, business/organization name, and a link to your website – there is space for this on the submit form).
Please keep this in mind before submitting, as we don’t want to waste your time with content that will not be acceptable for publishing on our website.
NEW POLICY FOR JOB POSTS FROM EMPLOYERS: PreservationDirectory.com will no longer accept job listings that do not include salary range information nor will we accept listings for unpaid internships/fellowships. Why is this?
Studies have shown that women and people of color are statistically less likely to negotiate, which in turn can lead to a furthering of the wage gap found in the US. Adding competitive salary ranges has also been shown to improve the quality of applications received by employers.
Unpaid internships limit professional development opportunities to the more fortunate who are able to accept these positions. Unpaid internships devalue all preservation-related professional opportunities.
For more information, resources and to take a more active role in this movement, please visit “Call To Action: Labor Equity In Preservation” by Sarah Marsom, Heritage Resource Consultant at https://www.sarahmarsom.com/news/2020/6/25/call-to-action-labor-equity-in-preservation
To submit your original article, please click here.