Preservation Bookstore
We are pleased to announce that our long-awaited preservation bookstore is available! The bookstore features titles in the fields of historic preservation; building restoration; architectural history; downtown, mainstreet, and urban revitalization, historic real estate; identifying architectural styles; and many more.
Preservation Bookstore Categories:
Essential books that should be in the library of any historic preservationist,
building restoration professional, or cultural resource enthusiast. |
Interested in listing your book/publication in the preservation bookstore? If you would like your book to be considered for inclusion on our website, please send a copy or sample to PreservationDirectory.com, 30 Bromley Road, Pittsford, NY 14534. There is no fee to be listed, but we need to review the publications before placing them on our website. If you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at anytime.