
Heritage Marketing Services |
Heritage Marketing Services
PreservationDirectory.com has many options to help you promote your event, service, publication or product to our vast network of preservation-minded professionals and historic homeowners. Below is an overview of our current services. For more information, please contact us at info@preservationdirectory.com or by phone at 503-308-0500.
1) Sidebar Listings on PreservationDirectory.com:
Advertise your event, product, service or publication on the left-hand sidebar of PreservationDirectory.com - be seen on every page of the website!
Your ad can appear on the left-hand sidebar (in the blue area) of PreservationDirectory.com. Ads can be purchased for 3, 6 or 12 months. Payment is due before the ad runs, and can be paid for by credit card over the phone or by check payable to “Preservation Directory”. Beginning date of ad is at discretion of client (ie. we can start it at any point depending on your needs).
- 3 months = $475
- 6 months = $700
- 12 months = $1000
Dimensions: 150 pixels wide x 300 pixels high (vertical)
Format: gif or png files
Placement: The graphic will be placed in the left-hand sidebar (blue area) of PreservationDirectory.com and will appear on every page of the website.
Interested in more information or ready to place your ad? Please contact us at 503-308-0500 or info@preservationdirectory.com.
2) Advertising in Our Monthly Email Newsletter
PreservationDirectory.com sends an email newsletter each month, which highlights recent activities, new resources added to the website, publications available in our Preservation Bookstore, and links to job listings and news of interest to the preservation community.
Reach: The email newsletter is currently sent to over 12,500 preservation-minded people. Recipients include: historic homeowners, historical society directors and members, restoration professionals, museum professionals, historic lodging operators, downtown and main street organizations, and National Trust for Historic Preservation staff and members.
Frequency: The email newsletter is sent once per month, typically in the 2nd or 3rd week of the month. If you decide to advertise, we would ensure that you are aware of distribution timing and alert you to due date of advertising materials.
Cost: You have the option of advertising in 1 issue, or multiple issues with a break in price the longer you list (payment would be due up front if you would like to list for multiple months; payment can be made with credit card over the phone or by check payable to “Preservation Directory”).
Advertising rates:
- 1 issue = $200
- 2 issues = $350
- 3 issues = $475
- 4 issues = $575
- 5 issues = $650
- 6 issues = $700
Dimensions: 500 pixels wide x 125 pixels high
Placement: The graphic will be placed between the 2nd and 3rd "sections" of the email newsletter. A preview copy of the email newsletter can be sent for review before it is sent to the public.
Format: gif or png files
Interested in more information or ready to place your ad? Please contact us at 503-308-0500 or info@preservationdirectory.com.
3) List Your Publication in the Preservation Bookstore:
Our Preservation Bookstore features a comprehensive collection of essential historic and cultural resource preservation publications. The collection includes books in categories ranging from architectural history and design, building restoration, identifying architectural styles, museum management, downtown and main street revitalization, roadside attractions and many more. Click here to view the Preservation Bookstore.
Interested in listing your book/publication in the preservation bookstore? If you would like your book to be considered for inclusion on our website, please send a copy or sample to PreservationDirectory.com, 30 Bromley Road, Pittsford, NY 14534. There is no fee to be listed, but we need to review the publications before placing them on our website.
Note: We do not sell books through our website - we provide a link to the book on Amazon.com.
Approved publications will also be featured in our monthly email newsletter (delivered to over 16,000 preservation-minded people), as well as being posted to our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/preservationdirectory) and Twitter Feed (@HistoricPres).
Interested in more information? Please contact PreservationDirectory.com at 503-308-0500 or info@preservationdirectory.com.

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