CRM Solutions is currently seeking to fill two positions—one archaeological
crew chief and one archaeological crew member.
Both positions are based in Santa Fe, New Mexico and are in support of
cultural resource survey, site documentation, and report preparation for a
variety of Section 106 and Section 110 projects on federal, state, and private
land in New Mexico. Applicants should send a CV, writing sample, and
references to
for the crew position must have at least 6 months of field experience in
New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, or Colorado with four of those being archaeological
survey, and should demonstrate the following:
Familiarity with the prehistoric and historic cultural resources of New Mexico.
Familiarity with archaeological survey processes, including navigation using topographic maps and GPS units, site and feature documentation, GPS data collection (experience with TerraSync or TerraFlex preferred), artifact recording, and photography.
Experience with cultural resource site documentation (both LA and HCPI forms).
Experience with artifact identification and age/use interpretation (knowledge of New Mexico pottery types preferred).
Ability to traverse rough terrain in a variety of weather conditions in remote locations.
Willingness to travel frequently for extended periods.
Willingness to camp during fieldwork sessions.
Knowledge of Microsoft Office software, very good research and writing abilities.
will range from $25 to $32 per hour depending on skills and experience.
for the crew chief position must hold or be eligible to obtain a general
archaeological investigation permit issued by the New Mexico Cultural
Properties Review Committee. They must
have at least 18 months of field experience in New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, or
Colorado with 12 of those being archaeological survey, and should demonstrate
the following:
Familiarity with the prehistoric and historic cultural resources of New Mexico.
Familiarity with archaeological survey processes, including navigation using topographic maps and GPS units, site and feature documentation, GPS data collection (experience with TerraSync or TerraFlex preferred), artifact recording, and photography.
Knowledge of GIS software and the ability to produce site and site location maps.
Experience with cultural resource site documentation (both LA and HCPI forms).
Experience with artifact identification and age/use interpretation (knowledge of New Mexico pottery types preferred).
Experience leading a crew for archaeological survey.
Experience reviewing site forms and other materials produced by crew members for QA/QC.
Ability to traverse rough terrain in a variety of weather conditions in remote locations.
Willingness to travel frequently for extended periods.
Willingness to camp during fieldwork sessions.
Knowledge of Microsoft Office software, very good research and writing abilities.
Additional permits (i.e., BLM, USFS) and qualifications meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Standards for Archaeology preferred.
will range from $33 to $42 per hour depending on skills and experience.
Keywords: archaeology, santa fe, new mexico, cultural resource management, crm, job

Posted: February 17, 2025
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