We are beyond thrilled to announce that Oregon Made, Second Edition is now available on Amazon.
Help Restore Oregon ensure our book is inventoried after our pre-sale event by going to the Amazon Oregon Made page, adding it to your wish list, or even better placing an actual order!
Explore the Pacific Northwest’s finest mid-century modern architecture with Oregon Made.
Whether you are the steward of a mid-century modern home or simply appreciate the thoughtful design aesthetic of the mid-century era, Oregon Made will inspire a deeper understanding of Pacific Northwest Modernism by introducing you to the architects behind the movement and the principles that guided their work.
More information and to order: https://restoreoregon.org/2023/06/12/oregon-made-second-edition-now-available/
Order: https://www.amazon.com/Oregon-Made-Regional-Mid-Century-Architecture/dp/B0C4GDKLF2/ref=sr_1_8?crid=320XR7W9JGI97&keywords=oregon+made&qid=1685653250&sprefix=oregon+made%2Caps%2C244&sr=8-8
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