
General Interest & Miscellaneous News |
General Interest & Miscellaneous News
The State, Tribal, Local, Plans & Grants Division is now accepting applications for the the Tribal Heritage Grant Program. This program is funded by the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) and managed by the National Park Service. Funding for the HPF is provided from Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas lease revenues, not tax dollars. HPF programs are annually appropriated by Congress and this funding is from the 2021 appropriation. All grants are awarded through a competitive process and do not require matching funds (except for Save America's Treasures).
The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 authorizes grants to Federally recognized Indian Tribes for cultural and historic preservation projects. These Tribal Heritage Grants assist Indian Tribes, Alaskan Native Villages/Corporations, and Native Hawaiian Organizations in protecting and promoting their unique cultural heritage and traditions.
Before applying, please make sure that you have read and understand the limitations of this grant program and have carefully reviewed the Notice of Funding Opportunity. The Notice of Funding Opportunity contains all the information you will need to create a successful application. Applicants must register through SAM.gov and Grants.gov to apply. It is best to begin this process early to avoid potential delays submitting your application. Learn more about how to apply for an HPF grant by visiting our Youtube channel. The grant opportunity Synopsis is now available on Grants.gov. The full funding package and application materials will be forthcoming in the near future.
The grant opportunity number is P22AS00029.
The estimated amount of funding for FY2021 is $500,000.
Applications are due March 1, 2022.
Learn more about Tribal Heritage Grants: https://www.nps.gov/subjects/historicpreservationfund/thpo-grants.htm
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