Funding Negotiations Continue in Congress as Deadline Gets Closer

Contributed By: Preservation Action
From Preservation Action:
The government is currently operating under a Continuing Resolution that passed in December and runs through March 14th. Negotiations in Congress have been ongoing as lawmakers attempt to finish negotiations on FY25 funding levels and work out differences between House and Senate appropriations bills. Negotiations in recent weeks have slowed as Democrats' are increasingly concerned by attempts from the Trump Administration to freeze or rescind funding.
A House version of the FY25 Interior Appropriations bill in the last Congress included $168.9 million for the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF), while the Senate version included $182.775 million for the HPF. Both proposed funding levels would be a cut below the current enacted funding level for the HPF of $188.66 million. Importantly, both bills also included a 1 year authorization for HPF.
With the March 14th funding deadline quickly approaching, lawmakers are increasingly likely to pursue another CR, maintaining current funding levels as negotiations continue, or potentially a long term CR, funding government through the end of the fiscal year in September. The uncertainty the fast approaching deadline is also increasing the possibility of a government shutdown if lawmakers can't come to an agreement.
Preservation Action will continue to monitor the appropriations process. We are urging Congress to support $225 million for the HPF, providing robust funding to State and Tribal Historic Preservation Offices and critically important grant programs.
Posted: February 19, 2025
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