Historic Preservation Specialist III-NRHP position, Oklahoma State Historic Preservation Office (Oklahoma City, OK)

Contributed By: Lynda Ozan
Website: https://www.okhistory.org/shpo/index
Must apply through State of Oklahoma job portal:
Job Description
The Oklahoma State Historic Preservation Office, a division of the Oklahoma Historical Society (a State agency), is seeking candidates for a Historic Preservation Specialist position (must meet the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards for Architectural Historian). This is a senior-level position, and the person will work under the supervision of the Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer. As further detailed in the recruitment notice below, the primary focus of the position's duties relates to the SHPO's National Register of Historic Places program, architectural survey program, public outreach, and technical assistance programs.
Key Duties:
- Coordinates the National Register of Historic Places Program.
- Assists with evaluating federal undertakings for impact on cultural resources in accordance with federal laws, regulations, and standards and established division procedures.
- Supervises the Survey Coordinator.
- Oversees the development of scopes of work for architectural surveys and reviews the results of such projects with the Survey Coordinator.
- Performs on-site monitoring of cultural resources for the Oklahoma Historical Society, other state agencies, federal agencies, and organizations as appropriate.
- Reviews technical reports, scopes of work, and other documents concerning cultural resources for the Society and other agencies.
- Performs field and archival research and develops historic contexts.
- Develops and presents workshops and other public education programs on federal laws, regulations, and standards concerning the treatment of cultural resources.
- Supervises special projects for the identification and study of significant cultural resources.
Education and Experience
Requirements for Historic Preservation Specialists at this level consist of a master’s degree in architectural history, art history, historic preservation, or closely related field, with coursework in American architectural history; or a bachelor's degree in architectural history, art history, historic preservation, or closely related field plus one of the following:
- At least two years of full-time experience in research, writing, or teaching in American architectural history or restoration architecture with an academic institution, historical organization or agency, museum, or other professional institution; or Substantial contribution through research and publication to the body of scholarly knowledge in the field of American architectural history.
Up to $67,200.00 a year plus benefits. Salary based on education and experience.
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