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Take Action! Urge Congress to Protect and Enhance the HTC in Tax Reform
Historic Preservation Blog from -
Contributed By: Preservation Action

From Preservation Action:

We need your help to protect the federal Historic Tax Credit and enact long overdue changes to improve and modernize the credit. With a series of tax provisions expiring at the end of the year, one of the top priorities of Congress and the White House will be passing a large tax package. This provides a huge opportunity to enact much-needed changes to make the Historic Tax Credit even more effective. 

The voice of preservation advocates will be absolutely essential to make the case for enhancing the HTC, ensuring it doesn't get lost in the process, and fending off any potential threats to diminish the credit.

The federal HTC is the largest federal investment in historic preservation and a critical economic development tool used to revitalize our communities, create jobs, and preserve our heritage. It is imperative that all members of Congress, both Representatives and Senators, hear from preservation advocates early in the process. With the consistent advocacy of the historic preservation community, we can ensure that critical improvements to the HTC are well-positioned to take advantage of any legislative opportunities. 

Reach out to your members of Congress today and urge them to protect and enhance the HTC as part of any future tax reform legislation. Check out the alert from our partners at the National Trust for Historic Preservation to easily send a message to your Representative and Senators today!


Posted: January 31, 2025
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