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Preservation Organizations & Resources
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(n) General Resources: Resources for History and Cultural Resource Educators
AMDOCS: Documents for the Study of American History
Website: Visit the website...
American Social History Project - Center for Media and Learning
The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue, Room 7388
New York NY 10016
Phone: 212-817-1966
Website: Visit the website...
Archaeology in the Community
2231 14th St. NE
Washington DC 20018
Phone: 202-525-1394
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Architects in Schools
Architecture Foundation of Oregon
PO Box 40230
Portland OR 97240
Phone: 503-542-3825
Website: Visit the website...
Arkansas Historic Preservation Program - Youth Education Services
323 Center Street, Suite 1500
Little Rock AR 72201
Phone: 501-324-9880
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Center for Architecture Foundation
Center for Architecture
536 LaGuardia Place
New York NY 10012
Phone: 212-358-6133
Fax: 212-696-5022
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Chicago Architecture Center - Discover Design: A Student Design Experience
111 E. Wacker Dr
Chicago IL 60601
Phone: 312-922-8687
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Chicago Architecture Center - Schoolyards to Skylines: Teaching with Chicago's Architecture
Education Department
111 E. Wacker Dr
Chicago IL 60601
Phone: 312-922-8687
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Chicora Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 8664
Columbia SC 29202
Phone: 803-787-6910
Website: Visit the website...
Clio - your guide to the history and culture around you
Website: Visit the website...
Developing History Leaders @ SHA (Seminar for Historical Administration)
1717 Church Street
Nashville TN 37203
Phone: 615-320-3203
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Digital Classroom (National Archives and Records Administration)
Washington DC
Website: Visit the website...
Digital Public Library of America
c/o Boston Public Library
700 Boylston Street
Boston MA 02116
Phone: 617-859-2116
Website: Visit the website...
EDSITEment - The Best of the Humanities on the Web (National Endowment for the Humanities)
Wshington DC
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
H-High S: High School History and Social Studies Discussion Network
141h Old Horticulture
506 East Circle Drive
Phone: 517-432-5134
Website: Visit the website...
H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Online
141h Old Horticulture
506 East Circle Drive
East Lansing MI 48824
Phone: 517-432-5134
Website: Visit the website...
Institute of History, Archaeology and Education
PO Box 41
Purchase NY 10577
Phone: 914-933-0440
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
National Council for Preservation Education (NCPE)
Box 291
Ithaca NY 14851
Website: Visit the website...
National History Education Clearinghouse
Center for History and New Media
4400 University Drive, MSN 1E7
Fairfax VA 22030
Phone: 703–993–9875 or 866–539–8381
Fax: 703-993-4585
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
National Park Service Resources for Teachers
Website: Visit the website...
Roundtable by the 92nd Street Y, New York
1395 Lexington Ave
New York NY 10128
Contact: Courtney Wood
Phone: 718-909-1843
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media
Dept of History and Art History, George Mason Univ
4400 University Drive, MSN 1E7
Fairfax VA 22030
Phone: 703-993-9277
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
SAH Archipedia (Society of Architectural Historians)
Chicago IL 60610
Phone: 312-573-1365
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Smithsonian Education - the gateway to Smithsonian educational resources
600 Maryland Ave, Ste 1005
Room 1163
Washington DC 20024
Contact: Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Studies
Phone: 202-357-2425
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Teaching American History Program
400 Maryland Ave., S.W., Rm. 4W206, FB-6
Washington DC 20202
Phone: 202-205-9085
Website: Visit the website...
Teaching Cultural Heritage Preservation (National Park Service)
Website: Visit the website...
Teaching with Historic Places, National Park Service
Website: Visit the website...
Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest - Teacher / Parent Resources
PO Box 419
Forest VA 24551
Phone: 434-525-0519
Website: Visit the website...

Interested in listing your historic organization, downtown and main street organization, or program of higher learning?  All listings are FREE for not-for-profit organizations - please click here to submit your information at no cost

Essential books that should be in the resource center 
of historical societies and museums.
Historic Preservation: An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and PracticesHistoric Preservation: An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and Practices by Norman Tyler  Federal Historic Preservation Laws: The Official Compilation of U. S. Cultural Heritage StatutesFederal Historic Preservation Laws: The Official Compilation of U. S. Cultural Heritage Statutes
The Politics of Historic Districts: A Primer for Grassroots PreservationThe Politics of Historic Districts: A Primer for Grassroots Preservation by William Edgar Schmickle A Primer for Local Historical SocietiesA Primer for Local Historical Societies by Dorothy W. Creigh
A Field Guide to American HousesA Field Guide to American Houses by Virginia & Lee McAlester A Field Guide to America's Historic Neighborhoods and Museum Houses: The WesternA Field Guide to America's Historic Neighborhoods and Museum Houses: The Western States by Virginia & Lee McAlester
Museum Strategy and Marketing: Designing Missions, Building Audiences, Generating Revenue and ResourcesMuseum Strategy and Marketing: Designing Missions, Building Audiences, Generating Revenue and Resources by Philip Kotler Historic House Museums: A Practical Handbook for Their Care, Preservation, and ManagementHistoric House Museums: A Practical Handbook for Their Care, Preservation, and Management by Sherry Butcher-Younghans

For our full directory of preservation-related books, please visit our Preservation Bookstore by clicking here.

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