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(b) Graduate Programs in Historic Preservation
Ball State University, Master of Architecture
Department of Architecture
Architecture Building, Room AB402
Muncie IN 47306
Phone: 765-285-1900
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Ball State University, Master of Science in Historic Preservation
Department of Architecture
Architecture Building, Room 402
Muncie IN 47306
Phone: 765-285-1900
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Boston Architectural College – Master of Design Studies in Historic Preservation
320 Newbury Street
Boston MA 02115
Phone: 617-585-0123
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Boston University Preservation Studies MA
American & New England Studies Program
226 Bay State Road, Room 106
Boston MA 02215
Phone: 617-353-2948
Website: Visit the website...
Center for Historic Architecture & Design (CHAD), University of Delaware
University of Delaware
331 Alison Hall, Academy Street
Newark DE 19716
Phone: 302-831-8097
Website: Visit the website...
Clemson Design Center in Charleston
701 East Bay Street, Suite 202
Charleston SC 29403
Phone: 843-723-1747
Website: Visit the website...
Cleveland State University, Undergraduate and Graduate Certificates in Historic Preservation
Levin College of Urban Affairs
2121 Euclid Ave, UR 205
Cleveland OH 44115
Phone: 216-687-3884
Website: Visit the website...
Colorado State University, Public History Program
Dept. of History, Campus Delivery 1776
Colorado State University
Fort Collins CO 80523-1776
Contact: Sarah Payne
Phone: 970.491.6334 (dept.)
Fax: 970.491.2941
Website: Visit the website...
Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation
1172 Amsterdam Ave
New York NY 10027
Phone: 212-854-3414
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Cornell University Master of Arts in Historic Preservation Planning
129 Sibley Dome
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853
Phone: 607-255-6848
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Delaware State University, Graduate Certificate in Historic Preservation
Joseph R. Biden Jr School of Public Policy & Admin
Dover DE 19901
Phone: 302 857-7139
Website: Visit the website...
Eastern Michigan University Historic Preservation Program
Eastern Michigan University
Strong Hall
Ypsilanti MI 48197
Phone: 734-487-0232
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Georgia State University Heritage Preservation Program
Department of History
PO Box 4177
Atlanta GA 30302
Phone: 404-413-6377
Website: Visit the website...
Goucher College Master of Arts in Historic Preservation
Welch Center for Graduate and Professional Studies
1021 Dulaney Valley Road
Baltimore MD 21204
Phone: 410-337-6200
Fax: 410-337-6085
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Master of Arts in Historical and Sustainable Architecture
100 Washington Square East, 3rd Floor
New York NY 10003
Phone: 212-998-8180
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Middle Tennessee State University Center for Historic Preservation
MTSU Box 80
1301 East Main Street
Murfreesboro TN 37132
Phone: 615-898-2947
Website: Visit the website...
Pratt Institute Historic Preservation Graduate Program
Brooklyn Campus, Higgins Hall North 1 Room 206
61 St. James Place
Brooklyn NY 11238
Phone: 718-399-4340
Website: Visit the website...
Public Lands History Center
Public Lands History Center
Colorado State University
Fort Collins CO 80523
Contact: Sarah Payne
Phone: 970-491-6130
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture
110 8th Street - Greene Building
Troy NY 12180
Phone: 518.276.6466 or 518.276.3986
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Roger Williams University School of Architecture, Art & Historic Preservation
One Old Ferry Road
Bristol RI 02809
Phone: 401-254-3605
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Rutgers University Program in Cultural Heritage and Preservation Studies (CHAPS)
Department of Art History
Voorhees Hall, 71 Hamilton Street
New Brunswick NJ 08901
Phone: 848-932-7041
Website: Visit the website...
Savannah College of Art and Design
Historic Preservation Department
PO Box 3146
Savannah GA 31402
Phone: 800.869.7223 or 912.525.6914
Fax: 912.525.6822
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Master of Science in Historic Preservation
Department of Historic Preservation
36 S Wabash Ave, Suite 1402
Chicago IL 60603
Phone: 312-629-6680
Website: Visit the website...
SUNY Empire State College, Graduate Certificate in Heritage Preservation
School for Graduate Studies
113 West Ave
Saratoga Springs NY 12866
Phone: 518-587-2100 x 2429
Website: Visit the website...
Texas A&M University Center for Heritage Conservation: Certificate in Historic Preservation
Pavilion Room 110
3137 TAMU
College Station TX 77843
Phone: 979-845-0384
Website: Visit the website...
Texas Tech Univ: Master of Science in Architecture w Concentration in Historic Preservation & Design
Texas Tech University
700 W San Fransisco Ave
El Paso TX 79901
Phone: 806-834-0120
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
Thomas Jefferson University, MS in Historic Preservation
3250 West School House Lane
Philadelphia PA 19144
Phone: 215-951-2800
Website: Visit the website...
Tulane University Master of Preservation Studies Program
6823 St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans LA 70118
Phone: 504.865.5389
Website: Visit the website...
University at Buffalo School of Architecture & Planning, Advanced Grad Cert in Historic Preservation
School of Architecture & Planning
114 Diefendort Hall
Buffalo NY 14214
Phone: 716-829-5900
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
University at Buffalo, SUNY, School of Architecture & Planning
Hayes Hall
University at Buffalo, South Campus
Buffalo NY 14214
Phone: 716-829-5900
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
University of Arizona College of Architecture, Planning & Landscape Architecture
School of Landscape Architecture and Planning
PO Box 210075
Tucson AZ 85721
Phone: 520-621-6751
Website: Visit the website...
University of Colorado Denver, College of Architecture and Planning
Campus Box 126, PO Box 173364
Denver CO 80217
Phone: 303-315-1000
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
University of Florida, Historic Preservation Program (College of Design, Construction & Planning)
PO Box 115701
Gainesville FL 32611
Phone: 352-294-1438
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
University of Georgia, College of Environment and Design: Master of Historic Preservation Program
College of Environment and Design, UGA
285 South Jackson Street
Athens GA 30606
Phone: 706-542-4720
Website: Visit the website...
University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Historic Preservation Graduate Certificate Program (HPGCP)
School of Architecture
2410 Campus Road
Honolulu HI 96822
Phone: 808-956-7225
Website: Visit the website...
University of Kentucky On-Campus Graduate Certificate in Historic Preservation
University of Kentucky
117 Pence Hall
Lexington KY 40506
Phone: 859-257-6411
Website: Visit the website...
University of Kentucky Online Graduate Certificate in Historic Preservation
University of Kentucky
117 Pence Hall
Lexington KY 40506
Phone: 859-257-6411
Website: Visit the website...
University of Kentucky, Department of Historic Preservation
University of Kentucky
117 Pence Hall
Lexington KY 40506
Contact: Douglas R. Appler, Ph.D, AICP
Phone: 859-257-6411
Website: Visit the website...
University of Maryland School of Architecture: Historic Preservation Program
School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation
3835 Campus Drive
College Park MD 20742
Website: Visit the website...
University of Massachusetts and Hancock Shaker Village M.S. in Historic Preservation
455 Fine Arts Center
151 Presidents Dr, UMASS
Amherst MA 01003
Phone: 413-443-0188 ext. 239
Website: Visit the website...
University of Minnesota M.S. in Architecture-Heritage Conservation and Preservation
School of Architecture, 145 Rapson Hall
89 Church Street S.E.
Minneapolis MN 55455
Phone: 612-624-7866
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
University of New Mexico Graduate Certificate in Historic Preservation & Regionalism
School of Architecture & Planning
MSC 04-2530, George Pearl Hall, 1 University of NM
Albuquerque NM 87131
Phone: 505-277-2903
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Historic Preservation
Department of Interior Architecture
PO Box 26170
Greensboro NC 27402
Phone: 336-334-5320
Website: Visit the website...
University of Notre Dame, Master of Science in Historic Preservation
School of Architecture
114 Walsh Family Hall of Architecture
Notre Dame IN 46556
Phone: 574-631-6137
Website: Visit the website...
University of Oregon Historic Preservation Program
College of Design in Portland
70 NW Couch Street, Floor 4R
Portland OR 97209
Phone: 503-412-3718
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
University of Pennsylvania School of Design: Historic Preservation Program
115 Meyerson Hall
210 South 34th Street
Philadelphia PA 19104
Phone: 215-898-3169
Website: Visit the website...
University of Southern California Master of Heritage Conservation
204 Watt Hall, MC 0291
University Park Campus
Los Angeles CA 90089-0291
Contact: Trudi Sandmeier, Director
Phone: 213-821-5452
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture
310 Inner Campus Drive Stop B7500
Austin TX 78712
Phone: 512-471-1922
Website: Visit the website...
University of Texas At San Antonio, Department of Architecture
Department of Architecture, MNT 1.122
501 W. Cesar E. Chavez Blvd
San Antonio TX 78207
Phone: 210-458-3010
Website: Visit the website...
University of Utah Historic Preservation Certificate Program
College of Architecture + Planning
375 S. 1530 E., Room 235
Salt Lake City UT 84112
Phone: 801-581-8254
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
University of Vermont Historic Preservation Program
History Department, Wheeler House
133 S Prospect Street
Burlington VT 05405
Phone: 802-656-3180
Email: Send an email...
Website: Visit the website...
University of Virginia School of Architecture
Campbell Hall, PO Box 400122
Charlottesville VA 22904
Phone: 434-924-3715
Website: Visit the website...
Ursuline College Graduate Program in Historic Preservation
Ursuline College
2550 Lander Road
Pepper Pike OH 44124
Phone: 440-646-8135 or 440-449-4200
Website: Visit the website...
Western Michigan University, Public History Program
Department of History
4301 Friedmann Hall
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5334
Phone: 269-387-4650
Website: Visit the website...

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For our full directory of preservation-related books, please visit our Preservation Bookstore by clicking here.

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