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Association for Preservation Technology International Announces New Executive Director
Historic Preservation Blog from -
Contributed By: Association for Preservation Technology International
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The Association for Preservation Technology International (APT) is pleased to announce the appointment of our new Executive Director, Dr. Greg Galer. He begins at APT on February 22, 2022.

Dr. Galer brings over 30 years of diverse historic preservation and non-profit management experience to APT, most recently as Executive Director of the Boston Preservation Alliance for the past nine years. From cultural resource and historic collection management to involvement in hundreds of historic building projects, his knowledge of material culture and the built environment is extensive, and his success leading non-profits is clear. He holds a Ph.D. in the History and Social Study of Science and Technology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Arts with Honors from Brown University.

Under Greg’s leadership the Boston Preservation Alliance reached its strongest financial and advocacy position in its 43-year history. In his last five years alone, he engaged over $4.2 billion worth of construction and has raised millions of dollars for preservation causes in Boston. Greg also plays a national leadership role, guiding the preservation community to focus on preservation’s ability to address today’s challenges such as affordability, sustainability, equity, and workforce development as a board member of the National Preservation Partners Network and a member of the steering committee of the Preservation Priorities Task Force, a collaboration with the National Trust for Historic Preservation. 

As Executive Director, Dr. Galer will be responsible for expanding APT’s influence and impact by growing financial support for our 2021 Strategic Plan, expanding APT’s partnerships and collaborations, andmanaging the overall operation of our organization. The APT Board of Directors is confident that his skill at stewarding relationships and building networks will allow our organization to continue to build on our five decades of work.

As Executive Director, Dr. Galer will be responsible for expanding APT’s influence and impact by growing financial support for our 2021 Strategic Plan, expanding APT’s partnerships and collaborations, and
managing the overall operation of our organization. The APT Board of Directors is confident that his skill at stewarding relationships and building networks will allow our organization to continue to build on our five decades of work.
As Executive Director, Dr. Galer will be responsible for expanding APT’s influence and impact by growing financial support for our 2021 Strategic Plan, expanding APT’s partnerships and collaborations, and
managing the overall operation of our organization. The APT Board of Directors is confident that his skill at stewarding relationships and building networks will allow our organization to continue to build on our five decades of work.

Posted: December 22, 2021
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