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Employment Opportunities, Jobs & Internships in Preservation & Cultural Resources
Request for Proposals
The Cumberland Mayor and
City Council, and Historic Preservation Commission, seek the professional
services of a qualified consultant to conduct the first phase of an
update of the Downtown Cumberland National Register Historic District
(AL-IV-A-132), nominated in 1983. This 1st phase will include an updated
narrative for Sections 7 and 8, an analysis and recommendations for potential
boundary expansion(s), and photographic documentation.
The selection process will
be graded on a number of criteria and submission requirements. For additional information copies of the RFP
packet may be obtained from Ruth Davis-Rogers, Historic Preservation Planner,
at the Cumberland City Hall, 57 N. Liberty Street, Cumberland, MD 21502 or by emailing ruth.davis-rogers@cumberlandmd.gov. Any requests for information (RFI) for the
explanation or clarification of any point not sufficiently covered by RFP
packet must be submitted in writing.
Sealed Proposals addressed
to the Mayor and City Council of Cumberland will be received at the Office of
the City Clerk, City Hall, 57 North Liberty Street, Cumberland, Maryland 21502,
until but not after 3:00 p.m. (EST), Wednesday, November 6th, 2024. All proposals must be submitted in a sealed
envelope, plainly marked on the outside thereof “Downtown Cumberland
Historic District Update.” Proposals
will be publicly opened at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 6th, 2024 in City
Hall Council Chambers.
Keywords: RFP Historic District Update

Posted: September 30, 2024
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