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The town of Lahaina on the island of Maui has been decimated by wildfires that raged overnight on August 8-9, 2023. We do not yet know the extent of the damage, but the initial reports indicate that the entire historic district may be lost. The emphasis is currently on containing and extinguishing the fires and attending to the needs of the displaced and affected people. Historic Hawai‘i Foundation is heartsick at the reports of the incalculable losses to the people of Lahaina and all of Maui. Our best wishes go to those who have lost family and friends, homes and businesses. The impact to Hawaii’s historic fabric is devastating and leaves us reeling with depth of the loss. Learn more about recovery efforts and how to help.
Ways you can donate and help those who were affected by the wildfires on Maui:
Kako‘o Maui Match Donation Fund. The Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement is partnering with Native Hawaiian and community organizations to match up to $1,000,000 in donations for ‘ohana impacted by the devastating wildfires on Maui.
Maui Strong Fund. The Hawai‘i Community Foundation created the Maui Strong Fund to provide community resilience with resources for disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. The fund is currently being used to support communities affected by the wildfires on Maui.
To help with the historic preservation effort, please consider a donation to the Lahaina Restoration Foundation.
Maui Fire Relief Fund, donations will go directly to Maui United Way to support Maui victims.
Maui Mutual Aid is seeking donations to support Maui families, kupuna, people with disabilities, and those with limited or no insurance.
The Hawai'i Restaurant Association is mobilizing donations to provide urgent relief for Maui, such as: food, clean water, medical supplies and shelter for those affected by this disaster.
With every $1 donated, the Maui Food Bank can provide 4 meals to the hungry living in our island community.
The American Red Cross of Hawai‘i is working around the clock to offer aid to wildfire victims and are asking for monetary donations as well as volunteers. To support their efforts, Foodland stores are accepting donations at checkout.
Love Beyond Nature's Fury, Support Hawai‘i Wildfire Survivors through the Salvation Army - Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division.
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