From Preservation Action:
This week Preservation Action submitted testimony to the Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee in support of the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) and other preservation priorities, as they work on drafting the FY25 Interior Appropriations bill. Preservation Action is urging the Committee to support $225 million for the Historic Preservation Fund, including much-needed increases for State and Tribal Historic Preservation Officers, as SHPOs and THPOs continue to face staffing challenges and increased workloads. The testimony also requests increases for important grants programs, many of which are helping to tell a more diverse and inclusive American story. This marks the same level of funding that we advocated for during National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week and same level requested through the House and Sente HPF Dear Colleague letters. Our testimony also highlighted the need to reauthorize the HPF, which is set to expire in September, and emphasized our support for the Historic Preservation Reauthorization Act (H.R. 3350).
Additionally, we requested $34 million for the Preservation Partnership Program, which supports National Heritage Areas (NHAs), $10.5 million for the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and $3 million for the African American Burial Grounds Preservation Program, which was established by Congress in 2022, but has yet to be funded.
As the appropriations process continues, National Park Service Director, Chuck Sams, testified before the House Natural Resources Committee in support of the President's budget request. In his testimony Director Sams noted support for HPF appropriations, highlighting the separate line item for $2.5 million for Tribal Heritage Grants. The testimony also highlights the support for $3 million in funding for the African American Burial Grounds Preservation Program.
As the appropriations process continues, Preservation Action will continue to advocate for much-needed funding that supports historic preservation. Check out our complete testimony to the Senate Appropriations Committee to learn more!
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