The Preservation Businesses, Products & Services directory provides excellent exposure to visitors to We receive thousands of hits daily from preservation-minded people in need of a wide variety of services related to historic preservation and building restoration. Since our audience is your target audience, a listing here is key to reaching your potential customers. Ready to list in our Business Directory? Please click here to go directly to the listing form.
Listing Options:
There are 3 types of listings available - (1) a text-only listing, (2) a small graphic listing and (3) a large graphic listing. Listings include:
- Business Name
- Address
- Phone/Fax/Email/Website
- Descriptive Text (available for Graphic Listings Only)
- Business Logo or Photo (available for Graphic Listings Only)
How Much Does it Cost to List on PreservationDirectory?
- Text Listing - $95/year
- Small Graphic Listing - $150/year
- Large Graphic Listing - $185/year
Graphic Requirements:
If you choose a small or large graphic listing, you can submit your ready-to-post artwork via our online form (see link at the bottom of this page). Here are the dimension and format requirements - if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
- Small Graphic Listing:
Dimensions: 270 pixels (wide) x 150 pixels (high)
Format: PNG or GIF image
- Large Graphic Listing:
Dimensions: 500 pixels (wide) x 200 pixels (high)
Format: PNG or GIF image
If you choose a graphic listing and currently do not have a ready-to-post graphic, we will create a graphic listing for you (at no additional charge). Below is an example of the small graphic listing (top) and a large graphic listing (bottom):

- AUDIENCE - We receive approximately 4,500 unique user visits per day from your target audience - historic homeowners, architects, historical society members, building restoration professionals, National Trust members, downtown and mainstreet revitalization professionals, and others interested and involved with historic and cultural resource preservation.
- HUNDREDS OF SITES LINK TO - Over 700 historic preservation, cultural resource management and building restoration websites currently link to, making our site (and your listing) easy to find on the internet. The amount of sites that link to a website also increase its ranking on Google Search (that is why is at the top of the search engines for a variety of terms). To view a PDF of the sites currently linking to, click here.